Picture: Omrop Fryslan, Jantine Weidenaar The salvage operation of the warplane Lancaster ED 603 was temporarily halted last week. The weather conditions on the IJsselmeer are too turbulent to continue working. The salvage operation commenced four weeks ago under...
Op 14 september, precies om 13:55 uur, vloog een historische Beechcraft over de bergingslocatie van Leemans Aircraft Recovery op het uitgestrekte water van het IJsselmeer, waar zojuist zeven kransen waren gelegd. Dit werd gedaan uit respect voor en ter nagedachtenis...
On September 14th, precisely at 13:55, a historic Beechcraft flew over the recovery site of Leemans Aircraft Recovery on the expansive waters of the IJsselmeer, where seven wreaths had just been laid. This was done out of respect for and in memory of the 7 courageous...